Maqola muallifi haqida
Jumashev Rajapboy, vet.f.n.
Ajiniyazov Baxıtbay Kenesbaevich, q.x.f.d. (PhD) docent
Ktaybekov Ajiniyaz Kadirbayevich
Qoraqalpogʻiston qishloq xoʻjaligi va agrotexnologiyalar instituti, “Magistratura boʻlimi”,
“Parrandachilik” mutaxassisligi 2-bosqich magistranti
Today, in many countries of the world, the production of ecologically
clean, parasitic products are one of the most important and important tasks. In the laws of
the Republic of Uzbekistan in the decision “On additional measures for the further
development of poultry farming” consistent measures are being implemented to further
develop agriculture and expand production in our country delivery of products ready for
export, as well as providing the population with high-quality and cheap agricultural products
grown in our country
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2. Хушназаров. А & Давлатов. Р. Б. (2022) Quyon eymeriozini davolashda zarurli
preparatning samaradorligi, in Library.
3. Khushnazarov, A.K. & Davlatov R. B. (2023) DIAGNOSTICS OF RABBIT
EMERIOSIS. Journal of new century innovation.
4. Тафуров. А. Давлатов. Р.Б. & Расулов.У. Ветеринария протозоологияси.