Maqola muallifi haqida
Achilova Donohon Nutfilloevna
Shukurov Bakhtiyor Kodirovich
Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sino, Uzbekistan
Bukhara city polyclinic No. 6 dermatovenerologist. Uzbekistan
Autoimmune (immune) theory, proposed in 1959 by A.Lorincz (Lorincz
A.I., 1959), who found autosensitization to their own melanocytes and tyrosinase in patients
with vitiligo. At present time the idea of vitiligo as an autoimmune disease is based based
on a few basic facts. Vitiligo may show skin-infiltrating cytotoxic T-lymphocytes close
proximity to melanocytes (Wijngaard R., 2000), as well as antibodies against melanocytic
antigens (Bystrun J.C., 1989), which is direct confirmation of the existence of an
autoimmune response. ABOUT the involvement of the immune system in the pathogenesis
of vitiligo speaks and changes balance of cytokines that regulate the functions of cells of the
immune system.
1. Ачилова Д.Н. Клинический анализ морфофизиологических изменений
иммунных органов у детей после перенесенных заболеваний // Tibbiyotda yangi kun. -
Бухара, 2021. - № 5 (37). - С. 111 - 114. (14.00.00; 22)
2. Achilova.D.N. Specific course of allergic reactions in children // Web of scientist
international scientific research journal. ISSN: 2776-0979 Vol. 2 No. 09 (2021), Indonesia.
– P. 10 – 17. (Impact factor 7,565)
3. Achilova.D.N. Modernassays for the treatment of allergic skin diseases in
children // International journal of formal edication. Polsha, 2021. Volume: 01 Issue: 04. –
P. 6 – 17. (14.00.00; 17)
4. Achilova D.N., Amonov R. A., Sharipova L. Kh., Yomgurova O. R., Rustamov
B. B. Clinical, Immunological and Medico-Social Aspects of Allergic Diseases in Children
// Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology. Romania, 2021: Vol 25: Issue 3. – P.
6736 – 6740.(Scopus)