Published: 08.06.2023
Keywords: alphabet, writing, cuneiform, hieroglyphics, system, syllabic, script, stages, culture, generation
Indeksiya bazalar
Maqola muallifi haqida
Karim Muratov
student of the 3rd faculty of English language
Uzbekistan State World Languages University
Scientific advisor
Dilrabokhon Akhmedjanova
Teacher at the UzSWLU
This article is devoted to the reflection on the daily usage of writing and its
historical background. The history of the appearance of writing skills and its place in the
history of mankind is going to be discussed.
1. M. E. Ackermann, M. J. Schroeder, J. J. Terry The Ancient World Prehistoric Eras to
600 C.E. New York. <>. 2008.
2. J. Kamp, S. Legêne, M. van Rossum, S. Rümke Writing history. Amsterdam.
<>. 2016.