Published: 31.05.2023
Keywords: Padarkush, Oldaduk ham oldanduk, To’y, Doshim-doshim
Indeksiya bazalar
Maqola muallifi haqida
Shodiyev L,
SamDU magistranti
In this proverb, the emergence of the first national theaters in the Turkestan territory,
external factors that influenced the formation of theatricalism in the territory. Tour tours of
Azerbaijan, Iran and Russian theater troupes throughout the country, the role of these tours
in the emergence of national theaters in the country. Samarkad talks about the emergence of
the original jadid National Theatre, the staging of Mahmudhaja Behbudi's “Padarkush”
peso, and its influence in the formation of the National Theatre in the country.
3. Д. А. Алимова Д. А. Рашидова. Махмудхужа Бехбудий ва унинг тарихий
тафаккури. Т. 1999 й,
4. M. Behbudiy. “Tanlangan asarlar” Toshkent “Ma`naviyat” 1999 yil
У. Долимов. Туркистонда жадид мактаблари Самарканд 2006 й.
10.Хожи Муин “Танланган асарлар” Тошкент -2010 й.