Published: 26.05.2023
Keywords: learning styles, process, case study, ESL
Indeksiya bazalar
Maqola muallifi haqida
Barchinoy Sultanova
Fiscal Institute under the Tax Committee
Department Humanities and Foreign Languages
Learning styles has been the topic of discussions for a long time. Many
researchers have been doing an effort to find conceivable factors that affect learning styles.
One person is studying for a test every day and the test results is not as they expected, after
so long reading process. Why? The thing is there is no one way to study some methods
might work great for one person and not at all for others.
.Chayata Viriya and Sutthirak Sapsirin (2014) Gender differences in language learning
style and language learning strategies.
Karima Merchant. 2012 How Men And Women Differ: Gender Differences in
Communication Styles, Influence Tactics, and Leadership Styles. (Claremont McKenna
Lightbrown and Spada. Individual differences in second language learning.
Masoud Zoghi, Sayyed Ali Kazemi, and Ali Kalani. The effect of gender on language