Published: 11.05.2023
Keywords: gender, women autonomy, feminism, patriarchy, masculinity
Indeksiya bazalar
Maqola muallifi haqida
Norbayeva Nasiba Sodiqjon qizi
exploring gender issues and outlining the condition of women reflected
in the novels of Charlotte Bronte is the main focus of this research. This research includes
into two analytical parts: primary part is devoted to assessing the critical, scholarly
discourse on female figures in the novels of Charlotte Bronte, while secondary data are
collected from sources that related to the topic.
Argyle, Gisela. “Gender and Generic Mixing in Charlotte Brontë’s Shirley.” Studies in
English Literature, 1500-1900, 35.1, 1995: p. 741-756.
Faqih Mansour. Analisis Gender and Transformasi Sosial.Yogyakarta:Insist Press. 1998.
Lips Hilary. Sex and Gender.New York:McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social
sciences/Languages. 2007.
Mosse Cleves. Gender and Pembangunan.Yogyakarta:Pustaka Pelajar. 1996