Published: 04.05.2023
Keywords: fairy tale studies, cumulative fairy tales, cumulative issue
Indeksiya bazalar
Maqola muallifi haqida
Ubaydullayeva Durdona Rahmonjon qizi
Fergana State University, Foreign languages faculty
Raximova Charosxon Baxromjon qizi
Fergana State University
Linguistics: English 2 nd course master student,
Azimova Xurshida Zohidjon qizi
Fergana State University
Linguistics: English 2 nd course master student
It would not be an embellishment to say that folklore traditions connect people and
nations through invisible lines. One can see the connectivity as the integrity of intimacy,
solidarity and mutual understanding among nations of the world.
1. Akimenko, N.A. Linguocultural characteristics of the Anglo-Saxon fairy tale discourse [Text] /. -
Elista: Publishing house Kalmik University, 2013
2. Amroyan I.F. Typology of chain-like structures. - Tolyatti, 2000.45 pages
3. Bolte I., Polivka G. Anmerkungenzu den Kinder- und Hausmarchen der Bruder Grimm.– Leipzig,
1915. Page- 103
4. DrozhashchikhNataliia ―Cognitive Parameters of Literary Model of Creative Texts‖ Tomsk State
Pedagogical University Bulletin · January 2017