Published: 04.04.2023
Keywords: innovation activities, innovation ideas, innovation thinking, innovation technology, innovation behavior
Maqola muallifi haqida
Abdurakhmonov Khasan Ibroximovich
Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, PhD.
in this article today our country is going through a difficult stage of
socio-economic reforms. The effective use of scientific and technological achievements in
solving such complex socio-economic problems becomes relevant. The transition to a new
stage of development of science requires the training of strong intellectual personnel by
young researchers: energetic, active, innovative thinking, competitive, striving to constantly
increase the level of their development, professional mobility, a sense of responsibility and
creative potential occupy a priority in their activities.
2. Kubaeva Sh.T. Game and innovation thinking (ontological and gnoseological
analysis). Abstract of the dissertation of the doctor of philosophy in Philosophy
(PhD). - Samarkand 2019. –P.20.
3. Abdullaeva I.G'. The combination of economic and innovative thinking at a new stage
of national development. Abstract of the dissertation of the doctor of philosophy in
Philosophy (PhD). Samarkand-2019. –P.17.