Published: 11.03.2023
Keywords: translation; intended audience; translation procedures
Maqola muallifi haqida
Abduganiyeva Jamila Rustamovna
Pedagogika fanlari bo‘yicha falsafa doktori (PhD)
Abdujabborova Madinabonu G’ulomjon qizi
Master of Uzbekistan State World Language University
: In this study, the authors want to understand the methods used in the subtitle
translation of a film. Identifying the movie's target demographic by comparing the
Indonesian and English subtitles for Zootomic. A descriptive qualitative method was used
in the study. The movie Zootomic served as the basis of the data for this study, which
consisted of movie subtitles in both English and Indonesian. The authors used subtitles in
Indonesian from the website sub scene, where translators from all around the world could
translate movies into a variety of languages.
BagusProbeBagus.(n.d.).Retrieved from
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