Published: 25.02.2023
Keywords: ko'ndalang izotrop , izotropiya, tekislik, materiallar, Hisoblash, izotropiya, simmetriya, cheksiz tekisliklar
Maqola muallifi haqida
Rajabov Yaxshiboev D.S.
, Jumayev Bobur Juma o`g`li 2
, Temirova Xosiyat
Farxod qizi3
1TATU PHD dotsent, 2,3TATU magistranti
tel: +998(97)7816033, e-mail:
Ushbu maqola bugungi kundagi transversal izotrop paallileped uchun termoelastik
masalani sonli yechishning tahlili keltirilgan.
1. Milton, G. W. (2002). The Theory of Composites. Cambridge University Press.
2. ^ Slawinski, M. A. (2010). Waves and Rays in Elastic Continua (PDF). World Scientific.
Archived from the original (PDF) on 2009-02-10.
3. ^ We can use the values and for a derivation of the stiffness matrix for
transversely isotropic materials. Specific values are chosen to make the calculation easier.
4. ^ Jump up to:a b Backus, G. E. (1962), Long-Wave Elastic Anisotropy Produced by
Horizontal Layering, J. Geophys. Res., 67(11), 4427–4440