Maqola muallifi haqida
Khajiyeva Mukhlisa Saidjon qizi
Teacher Department of English functional lexicon Uzbekistan State World Languages
Sociolinguistics explores how language varies and changes in social contexts. This article
examines the sociolinguistic variation in Modern English, focusing on dialects and their role
in social identity. By analyzing regional, social, and ethnic dialects, the study highlights how
language serves as a marker of identity and a tool for social stratification.
1. Labov, W. (2006). *The Social Stratification of English in New York City*.
Cambridge University Press.
2. Trudgill, P. (2000). *Sociolinguistics: An Introduction to Language and Society*.
Penguin Books.
3. Rickford, J. R. (1999). *African American Vernacular English: Features, Evolution,
Educational Implications*. Wiley-Blackwell.
4. Eckert, P. (2000). *Linguistic Variation as Social Practice: The Linguistic
Construction of Identity in Belten High*. Blackwell