Maqola muallifi haqida
Maftuna Khotamova Xoliqul qizi
Sirdaryo vioyati Shirin shahar ixtisoslashtirilgan maktab Ingliz tili
+99899 474 88 14
This article explores the significance of incorporating interactive
methods in teaching English to enhance the learning process. The study delves into various
interactive teaching approaches, their impact on student engagement, and the overall
effectiveness in language acquisition.
1. Ocheretna, N. (2013). Osoblyvosti zastosuvannia dilovykh ihor u protsesi
vyvchennia inozemnoi movy u vyshchykh navchalnykh zakladakh [Features of the use of
business games in the process of learning a foreign language in higher education].
Pedagogіchna osvіta: teorіya і praktika, (14), 206-210. (in Ukrainian).
2. Radjabova, D. A. (2017). Modern educational technologies in teaching a foreign
language. Molodoi uchenyi, (13), 592-595. (in Russian).
3. Mavlonova, M. D. (2017). The new pedagogical technologies in teaching the
foreign languages in higher education in Uzbekistan. Molodoi uchenyi, (24), 358-360. (in